Natural Hair Acronym's


Accordion Method

The accordion method is a technique in which you apply product to your hair, gather the hair together like an accordion and squeeze/scrunch repetitively to enhance your natural curls or waves.



ACV is the acronym for Apple Cider Vinegar which has numerous hair, skin and health benefits. In regards to the hair, it is most commonly used to balance PH levels, eliminate dandruff and seal the cuticle layer. Recommendation: After you rinse out your conditioner, Apply ACV to your hair for 5-10 minutes with a plastic cap and then rinse thoroughly.



AVG is an acronym for Aloe Vera Gel (AVG). AVG can be used to wash, condition and moisturize your hair.  





Call it what you want! I often refer to this method as the jerry curl method without the process of course. Why? Because it requires that you apply a moisturizing spray or conditioner to your hair then cover your hair with a plastic cap overnight, preferably. Sound familiar? Some naturals just baggy their ends. Ultimately, the purpose of "baggying" is to give our hair the moisture that it truly needs. Give it a try! You might like it. If you use all natural products with the baggying technique it is referred to as the Greenhouse Effect.


BC is the beloved acronym for Big Chop. It simply means cutting off all of the relaxed ends to reveal your natural coif or simply just cutting your hair extremely short to get a fresh start. Many naturals have BC'd several times or simply just rock a BC because it's their prerogative.


Co-washing is simply washing your hair with a conditioner. The goal is to maintain the natural oil that our hair produces byway of sebum. Some shampoos can be stripping, specifically those with sulfates...so co-washing is a way to take control of your hair regimen. Don't worry conditioners have cleansing abilities too. In fact, there are several co-washes that provide a gentle cleanse while conditioning the hair all in one step. For the record, we believe in shampooing with natural sulfate-free cleansers like African Black Soap or Castile on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to ensure that your pores are free of product build-up and debris. This is highly recommended if you use a lot of products in your hair. If you decide to refrain from shampoo and strictly co-wash this is known as No-Poo.  

"A clean scalp is a healthy and happy scalp."





Dusting refers to a light trim, in which, only 1/4" or less of your hair is trimmed. The objective is to prevent split ends and tangles by dusting every 4-6 weeks.





EVCO is the acronym for Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. You can use EVCO as a pre-poo (hot oil treatment) or a leave-in.EVCO is said by many to promote hair growth. Tip: Apply EVCO to damp hair before shampooing to help with the detangling process.



EVOO is the acronym for Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It can be used as a pre-poo, leave-in conditioner or sealant.




Dry hair tends to be frizzy. So we recommend that you hydrate from the inside out to help control the frizz. In most cases, afro hair is just frizzy hair. We may have products that help to reduce your frizz and reveal your natural curl without the use of harsh chemicals. Book a consultation today, to learn more.



HHJ: Healthy Hair Journey

HHG: Happy Hair Growing

HIHD: Hand in Hair Disease

HTH: Hope this Helps!






Length Check

If you stretch, measure and document your progress then you are performing a length check. The objective is to achieve a specific hair length over a specified period of time. Speaking of hair length, it's a good time to insert the various length acronyms. So, here we go:

TWA – Teeny Weeny Afro

EL: Ear Length

NL: Neck Length hair

CBL: Collar Bone Length

APL: Arm Pit Length

SL : Shoulder Length

BSL: Bra Strap Length

BSB:  Below Shoulder Blade (alternative measurement to BSL)

MBL: Middle Back Length

WL: Waist Length

HL: Hip Length


Line of Demarcation

When you're transitioning (the process of growing out your relaxer to go natural) there will come a point where your new growth will meet your natural hair. The point where different types of hair meet is known as the line of demarcation. Breakage and tangling tend to occur at this point, so be very gentle with your hair to avoid damage.


Low Manipulation

Low manipulation simply means that you are not combing or brushing your hair everyday. The best way to achieve this goal is to wear your hair in a protective style. 


Natural Hair Journey

The natural hair journey is your personal experience with the process of going natural. It entails your achievements, trials, and "ah ha" moments. You can take the journey alone, with family or friends or with the support of members of the natural hair community. Enjoy it!



NG is the acronym for New Growth. On average, we achieve approximately 1/2 - 1" new growth each month. Please note: It could be more or less.





Plopping is a method of drying the hair with a t-shirt instead of a towel. It's said to reduce frizz and minimize the drying time.


Protective Styling

A protective style when done properly can allow us to maintain moisture, protect our ends and retain length. This can be achieved with the following styles: cornrows, braids, coils, two-strand twist, flat twist or a loose bun.



This is a technique that is intended to protect the hair by pulling the hair up in a ponytail towards the crown.





S&D is short for Seek/Search and Destroy. S&D is a technique in which you seek out split ends or severely tangled ends and cut them off. The purpose is to only cut "irreparable" hair.



When a product glides on your hair, it said to have slip. This term is most often used in reference to conditioners. Slip helps tremendously with the detangling process.